aking The Scientific Approach Towards Happiness With Rob Mack

Hi , welcome to Light Masters . So today on the show , we have Rob Mack and Rob is a happiness coach . He's absolutely phenomenal .

aking The Scientific Approach Towards Happiness With Rob Mack

No , I appreciate you saying that I appreciate you saying that I fully receive that . And um I would say that most of my life , I didn't feel that way though most of my life , you feel very exceptional or very extraordinary . I want to know um on that topic exactly is like how did you , you said that ?

aking The Scientific Approach Towards Happiness With Rob Mack

And I discovered that what was going on within me was a perfect microcosm for what was going on in the world at large . Like I was experiencing objectively good circumstances and a good life , but subjectively , I felt like crap . Also in the world since 1950 there's been an increasing amount of suicides and depression .

aking The Scientific Approach Towards Happiness With Rob Mack

So today on the show , we have Rob Mack and Rob is a happiness coach . He's absolutely phenomenal . Um I am just honored to have you here today because everything that you teach and everything that I've heard you say uh to , to , you know , to me and to your clients and I mean , you're just , you're really , really exceptional .

aking The Scientific Approach Towards Happiness With Rob Mack

So I understand and I , and I , I don't understand , but I , I've been through it too . So , but this is what makes you so relatable as a coach is that you have been through all of that and that , uh right now suicide , you know , is at an all time high . So I'm sure that you can um really relate to your clients .