LA Unscripted | August 3rd, 2022

And a lot of people who end up with Ramsey Hunter are disabled to some degree become recluse . I'm gonna use nutrition and I'm gonna use me and I'm going to do whatever I can to combat this thing . I was very fortunate .

LA Unscripted | August 3rd, 2022

That's purpose . You know , you don't need a phd , you don't need , you know , you don't need to be a nutritionist or a fitness trainer . All you have to do is move and when you move these chemicals get inside of your now and , and you know , you're not gonna lose a bunch of weight in a day , but you're gonna feel better .

LA Unscripted | August 3rd, 2022

What kind of ingredients do I need in these various supplements to sort of help combat this stuff and bring me back around . So , the supplements were one of four different things , food , fitness , mindfulness , and supplementation . That is the essence of the power of four .

LA Unscripted | August 3rd, 2022

So it helps you sort of relax sleep better , also helps with calcium absorption . So it makes for a great , you know , post workout snack . Uh and it's also about antioxidants , so it's great for the skin .

LA Unscripted | August 3rd, 2022

I create this playground and I invite people here . I love lifting weights and doing cardio . But the next level for me to keep me young is to act like a kid and fly through the air .