YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

They're two ways of looking at or perceiving the same energy . And so , yeah , love and joy are really synonymous . And I think probably lots of us would be behaved to think of love more in terms of enjoyment .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

And as you say , all that something sparks within me , which is going to ignite my next question . Uh which is what do you see as the link between love and joy ? Yeah .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

You might have call occasionally called peaceful aliveness . But love is your joy shared . It's your bliss or your happiness shared when you're ingo or introverted or you're having a moment alone and you feel happy , we just call it happiness or joy , fullness or blissfulness .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

Welcome to a year of joy . My name is Sherry Elise and I will be your Joy reporter every single week .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

My name is Sherry Elise and I will be your Joy reporter every single week . I will be introducing you to one of your joy , superpower partners on behalf of the team of the art and science of joy . We are thrilled to be able to bring this to you .