YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

And then before long , I discovered , um both the air in their ways , but also the air in my ways . Um I think there is a relationship between love and happiness that often goes unnoticed and missed . Uh , so , yeah , both personal and professional reasons led me to this conversation with you today and we are not that we're grateful for your challenges , but we're grateful to that .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

And as you say , all that something sparks within me , which is going to ignite my next question . Uh which is what do you see as the link between love and joy ? Yeah .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

Let the enjoyment itself be the reward . And I think we'll find if we do that , we can experience a whole lot of love and a whole lot more happiness as well . Hm .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

Hm . So everyone's gonna be able to experience more love with you for the entire week which we know is connection to our whole selves , which in and of itself sparks joy . So thank you so much , Rob for being a part of a year of joy and we can't wait to spend the week with you .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

But love is your joy shared . It's your bliss or your happiness shared when you're ingo or introverted or you're having a moment alone and you feel happy , we just call it happiness or joy , fullness or blissfulness . But when you got into the world and you share that bliss and love , that joy and that happiness with even one other person .