YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

It led you here . So , um why do you think though that it is important for people to cultivate love in their lives ? Well , I think I love the idea of living in an even more loving world ?

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

I mostly look for love in all the wrong places . I think like most of us do and other people , places , activities and things . Um I never found it there and then eventually came around to realizing and remembering that I had to find it within myself .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

So , um why do you think though that it is important for people to cultivate love in their lives ? Well , I think I love the idea of living in an even more loving world ? You know , it's uh wonderful .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

That was a personal journey along the way . I had lots of , um , exciting but also tumultuous relationships and then the professional path for me , you know , I initially set out to be a happiness coach , but most people who called me called me because they were having relationship problems , which I always thought was kind of ironic . I'm like , but I'm not , I'm a happiness coach .

YoJ JSP Interview Week 6 Love Robert Mack

Oh , for sure . But it's the personal journey . And for me , uh it was a tough long scenic probably unhappy path .