I'm like , give me that , give me that steak for $37 . I look at myself , I'm like , I can't even believe I got a steak for $37 . I bought , I , I'm like , fantastic doing the finances in my head while I'm eating .
It says 37 next to it . I'm like , give me that , give me that steak for $37 . I look at myself , I'm like , I can't even believe I got a steak for $37 .
Thank God said four ounces because I was like , thank God he was like , do you want the I think you didn't take me . I was wondering because I was like , I'll have the Japanese steak dinner and I saw it at 37 . He goes , he goes , yeah , it's Uber eats coming in and the waiter goes excellent choice , sir .
I see . I see a steak , a Japanese steak . It says 37 next to it .
I heard about this story . I had to call you , as soon as it happened , I go ma , let me take out the dinner for you last night . There's an amazing place called , I've been there .