So just really training on my vertical and getting it to a decent , um , way where I can jump and , um , attack the ball at a good , um , height where at least I had a disadvantage but being able to work and just getting my veral up . Um , I think it's something that I really overcome based off of , um , having that disadvantage . Um , our club did really good at just showing us that being recruited is more , more than your skill .
Um , so being recruited , um , I feel like I thought I had a disadvantage because a lot of coaches just like to look for height at first because you know , that stuff you just can't teach . Um , but something that I knew that I had to get over , just like having that disadvantage . So just really training on my vertical and getting it to a decent , um , way where I can jump and , um , attack the ball at a good , um , height where at least I had a disadvantage but being able to work and just getting my veral up .
Um I kinda was um approached to be a captain my sophomore year in college and um I felt very intimidated by that because there were a lot of upper class men . Um So just knowing at a young age that you can be a leader and if you have like certain characteristics , people will follow you and don't shy away from that leader spotlight , just embrace it and um people will have your back . Um So I wish I knew that as a freshman in high school because um I didn't realize how much I touch people .
Um , sports is such a growth , um , like opportunity to just be a better uh player , a better person . So just trusting the process and every step of your career is probably the best advice that I've gotten and just knowing that all the hard work does pay off and , um , but it just takes time . So just trust in the process is a , is the best piece of advice that I've gotten .
Um , now that I'm going into my fourth year , going back to old film of like how um the other team plays against me personally has really helped um me find out different ways I can score or certain people I can target and I think that's such a huge thing , like , um just watching film and just really knowing , um maybe what you did wrong or what you did right in a certain game . Uh And what can like work um and give you that advantage against a team that may seem really challenging , but everybody has a weakness . So just trying to find someone else's weakness is really powerful when playing the game .