I am a undersized hitter , so I'm 58 and usually , um , you see at least people that are at least 5 , 10 and above , um , planning my position . Um , so being recruited , um , I feel like I thought I had a disadvantage because a lot of coaches just like to look for height at first because you know , that stuff you just can't teach . Um , but something that I knew that I had to get over , just like having that disadvantage .
Um So when I was looking for a college , I just wanted to go somewhere where I felt welcomed and if something were to happen to me , like getting hurt where I knew I wasn't gonna be treated any kind of differently . Um So I feel like that's like something to really look out for when you're doing a recruiting is am I gonna be taken care of ? Um , because you are away from home even if you're close or far .
Um , I think it's something that I really overcome based off of , um , having that disadvantage . Um , our club did really good at just showing us that being recruited is more , more than your skill . It's about your personality and how you carry yourself .
Um , it really stands out and then it catches like a coach's eye and then eventually they'll see how you play . And I think that's like a huge thing to do when you're getting recruited . So I would say , um , because you're going to , if you're going to be a student athlete , going to a school where the coaches truly care for who you are outside of your sport .
So I would say the best advice is just honestly just trusting the process . Um , sports is such a growth , um , like opportunity to just be a better uh player , a better person . So just trusting the process and every step of your career is probably the best advice that I've gotten and just knowing that all the hard work does pay off and , um , but it just takes time .