GDL Feb 20, 2023

You know , I know you , I know when you're b sing me , we've known each other for a while . I photo shoot next weekend and I got them already and uh I had to that . I actually sent out uh , mine um , to uh our friend Peter .

GDL Feb 20, 2023

You ? I , I'm waiting for you to get like a single camera shot . I am .

GDL Feb 20, 2023

Um which is like the biggest . No , no , you don't change your hair drastically before a shoot . They look a certain way .

GDL Feb 20, 2023

Make sure you stay tuned . We got some big news coming up as we keep moving the show forward , wherever you are . I hope you find the good in your day .

GDL Feb 20, 2023

Yeah , that was really , I think that was the week before . If she starts walking across the set , you know , it's gonna come in hot for sure . Come in .