GDL Feb 20, 2023

Attitude is fine . So , what did you do this weekend ? You know ?

GDL Feb 20, 2023

How are you ? How was your weekend ? Ok .

GDL Feb 20, 2023

But anyway , uh yeah , so I'm glad you went out on Friday night . You go out Saturday and Sunday yesterday . I did not go out Saturday .

GDL Feb 20, 2023

And I tell people this to this day , I worked all areas down in the hood and I tell you the right , right now the kindest people were the people that were in the ghetto . The families that when it was on a weekend and say stop by , we're having a street barbecue , the same streets that were gang members were living but the families were like , so kind . That seems to be a very big issue in the country itself because the loving people and the hateful people are very living are in proximity .

GDL Feb 20, 2023

Um So yeah , that was awesome . Um Speaking of being busy , we had a packed week . Last week .