GDL April 4, 2023

I came up with a slow because it's like nineties coming out of the nineties . It was all about , don't get old , anti aging creams . It's like time is inevitable .

GDL April 4, 2023

It's like time is inevitable . That's why the marketing companies push it because they know you're going to get old . Yes , but you don't have to , you don't have to get old .

GDL April 4, 2023

Grow up ? But don't grow old . It's a comedy about a , it's a dark comedy about a woman who recently lost her husband and is giving her um dreams .

GDL April 4, 2023

I just think it's the way you perceive it and how you go about it . Like what it's saying is , is that , I mean , we have a different perspective on age now , like , uh , you know , there is , uh , a death at , near close to my family and , um , he was in his seventies , but we said he was only in his seventies 70 in our brain now is not that old , uh , which is like , that just shows how we are perceiving things . And , um , how , like if you are alive , you have a purpose and a story to tell .

GDL April 4, 2023

I think that's the bottom line . There's nothing wrong with aging , right ? No , there's nothing wrong with it .