Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Ok . So that's for falling asleep . That's one category , either magnesium , magnesium three and eight or Bisglycinate would be interchangeable for assisting the transition time into sleep .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , then you could try one , for instance , magnesium three and eight and try it for perhaps a week and see how that affects your latency to sleep time . That is how quickly you fall asleep . Or you could try Epogen and in the first week or you could co combine them both or you could try magnesium three and eight for a week , then switch to only Apogen in for a week and evaluate which one works better for you .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I've talked about this a bit before , but it's something that I think a lot of night time , middle of the night waker might be familiar with and would want to take into consideration . Now , for those of you that are not waking up in the middle of the night or not having excessively vivid dreams but are having trouble falling asleep . Two supplements in particular have been shown to be effective for shortening the transition time to sleep and allowing people to ease into sleep more readily .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

If for instance , you're somebody who falls asleep just fine , but wakes up in the middle of the night around two or 3 a.m. or any time for that matter and has trouble falling back asleep . There are two categories of supplements that you might want to consider .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

If you're not sleeping as well as you would like to , or if you want to explore what sleeping even more deeply might do for your mental health , physical health and performance . Well , then it makes sense to think about the various supplements for falling asleep versus remaining asleep . What to include what not to include and to do that systematically .