Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

If for instance , you're somebody who falls asleep just fine , but wakes up in the middle of the night around two or 3 a.m. or any time for that matter and has trouble falling back asleep . There are two categories of supplements that you might want to consider . The first is myoinositol .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And for you know , many , many other people , other people who wake up in the middle of the night will wake up because their dreams are very intense or they were having dreams that were so vivid that suddenly they were jolted from their dreams . Those people would do well to avoid certain supplements . So in a moment , I'll talk about the value of a supplement called Theanine for Falling Asleep .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But people who take those often find that their transition time into sleep is much faster and their sleep is also much deeper . Incidentally , those supplements are also thought to be useful for cognitive support and neuro protection . Although there's less data on that .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Talks about the human effect matrix . That is the different effects of different supplement compounds on different aspects of hormone , brain and body health where the evidence is strong , where the evidence is weak , has links to studies and so on . Again , it's examine dot com .

Best Supplements for Improving Sleep | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I mean , it's impossible to clamp everything perfectly from week to week , but you know , don't change anything else dramatically and just add that supplement for a given week . See how it benefits your sleep , maybe add in a 2nd , 2nd supplement if you like or rather swap and try a different supplement for a week and then see what works best and see if the combination works even better .