Episode 50 | Creating Hope and Possibility Through Sports

Like , what , 9 , 10 years old , 3rd , 4th grade . And I realized like , oh , sports and band is for rich kids . I'm not playing sports .

Episode 50 | Creating Hope and Possibility Through Sports

Somebody paid my registration that fees for me to play softball . I never got to play band , but I got to play softball . Uh , on my way to my first practice , I'm riding my bike .

Episode 50 | Creating Hope and Possibility Through Sports

So mark the crazy thing that happens in life is when we start believing in other people and we create hope and possibility in their lives sooner or later , just maybe they'll start to believe in the things that we see in them . And it was those Green Bay Packers who helped me to believe in myself , this little girl in poverty from a town of 8000 people who grew up physically , sexually and emotionally abused to say you see something in me , maybe just maybe I can start to see it in myself and then maybe if I can see it in myself , maybe I can help other people see it in themselves too . And for me , sports is the tool to do that .

Episode 50 | Creating Hope and Possibility Through Sports

I had it signed up before I gave it to my mom . And my teacher said , Kayla , this is great , but you need your mom's permission . And I said , yeah , well , money doesn't grow on trees and I just started crying .

Episode 50 | Creating Hope and Possibility Through Sports

But I think sports philanthropy is one of the next horizons that we're going to accomplish together because athletes hold such a special place in our heart . You know , the little Kayla Brad or your maiden name , whatever it was when you were young and going to Saint Orbits and looking up at those big football players , I've seen some of your pictures on social media , Kayla , you're never gonna play defensive line for the Green Bay Packers , but it doesn't mean that you can't use that passion . You can't use those connections to change lives , right ?