Episode 50 | Creating Hope and Possibility Through Sports

And for me , sports is the tool to do that . It's about literally creating stronger , healthier and more inclusive communities using sports as the tool . If that makes sense .

Episode 50 | Creating Hope and Possibility Through Sports

I I it's going to take everybody rowing the boat together to really create the traction that we need to roll that , roll that boat and get it moving . So , um for us , it's building stronger , healthier and more inclusive communities through sports . Whether that's with focus on the military de I stem education , financial literacy , mental health , all of the issues , issues that we face in our communities and they're different for every community , right ?

Episode 50 | Creating Hope and Possibility Through Sports

Um I'll use PJ flack for any of you Minnesota fans and for those of you who don't , please don't push pop right now , but roll the boat . We are building out 30 chapters in the nation's biggest cities to roll the boat on stronger healthier and more inclusive communities through sports . So to do that , we're building out leadership councils mark as you know , uh to support and grow those chapters because we believe if you can get 30 of the nation's biggest cities fixing the problems that exist in their local communities and you can do that at the same time across the nation .

Episode 50 | Creating Hope and Possibility Through Sports

And of course , it helps to have some realistic resonating moments which you shared with us today . But I think sports philanthropy is one of the next horizons that we're going to accomplish together because athletes hold such a special place in our heart . You know , the little Kayla Brad or your maiden name , whatever it was when you were young and going to Saint Orbits and looking up at those big football players , I've seen some of your pictures on social media , Kayla , you're never gonna play defensive line for the Green Bay Packers , but it doesn't mean that you can't use that passion .

Episode 50 | Creating Hope and Possibility Through Sports

And it was those Green Bay Packers who helped me to believe in myself , this little girl in poverty from a town of 8000 people who grew up physically , sexually and emotionally abused to say you see something in me , maybe just maybe I can start to see it in myself and then maybe if I can see it in myself , maybe I can help other people see it in themselves too . And for me , sports is the tool to do that . It's about literally creating stronger , healthier and more inclusive communities using sports as the tool .