I'm talking about basic . That's what in the book I'm talking about , you know , and , and my approach is holistic healing , mind , body , spirit , what you eat , what you do , what you read , all of that makes the best version of you for you . Nobody is competing with anybody .
I mean , but you know , it's , it's just human needs and , and , and we need to handle what's going on and really have a community or people , family , friends , professionals to help us to gain the confidence we need so we could help ourselves when the professionals are not around . And honestly , that's all we've been doing some deep breathing , some repenting , some inner child healing , some prayers , meditation , journaling . It's a combination of , it's like a Disneyland .
But we don't , the inner talk is not even close to that because unfortunately , we are not trained how to do that . We've been I as a therapist did not do any inner child healing with my clients because I wasn't aware of it . So when I learned about it , that how almost every adult clients I have is having bleeding issues from childhood .
And there are tools in this book that could help anybody . So if I'm hearing this right , it's like you want to become aware of the bleeding within yourself because once you have the awareness , then it's now you can take care of it definitely consciousness , awareness , acknowledgement and then making basic choices , like nurturing your inner child that needs help because sometimes we could be just really , really , really tired . We just need to take a nap .
But that doesn't mean that later I won't be and then 20 minutes from now even better . So I just think one thing that I'm learning to do is to not put a band aid on anything to feel everything I need to feel , to not distract me totally , but to like feel the pain that I have been blessed with because I know every event is a learning lesson and that I can understand more people and connect with more people because people have lost and they lose parents and I lost mine way too young . But like , I , I was able to connect with an incredible person the other day who now I told you about who has this incredible breast cancer awareness event .