How Creatine Can Help with Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And of course , I eagerly await other studies exploring the role of this high dosage of creatine , which is a relatively high dosage of creatine monohydrate for offsetting headache . Meanwhile , I think there are a number of people out there suffering from headache , um who might consider using creatine monohydrate in an exploratory fashion and seeing whether it helps offset their headaches . Keep in mind , of course , any time you're gonna add or remove anything uh supplements or otherwise from your uh from your treatment , your nutrition , et cetera .

How Creatine Can Help with Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I'd like to highlight a paper from that literature . Now that will make very clear as to why creatine is interesting and in fact , very effective for treating headache , in particular headache caused by head hits or traumatic brain injury . The title of the paper is prevention of traumatic headache , dizziness , and fatigue with creatine administration .

How Creatine Can Help with Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And we know that when you take creatine over and over day to day , that there's a build up of creatine stores both in the muscles and within the brain tissue . Now , what they found as a consequence of this creatine administration was really striking and I think quite exciting , they found a very significant decrease in the frequency of headache in people that were supplementing with creatine as opposed to the controls . Now , keep in mind that this is a pilot study , but the effects are very dramatic .

How Creatine Can Help with Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury | Dr. Andrew Huberman

The headache is quite frequent . Basically the takeaway of this study is that for people experiencing headache , dizziness and fatigue due to TB I and perhaps , and I want to underline perhaps because it hasn't really been explored yet , but perhaps headache , dizziness and fatigue due to other conditions , symptoms or causes of headache , creatine monohydrate supplementation might be again , might be an excellent candidate for people to try . Why do we say that ?

How Creatine Can Help with Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And uh certainly for sports performance as well . And there are very few other compounds that have been shown to have as significant an impact on headache over the long term as has creatine monohydrate in these studies of people with TB I , it's also important to highlight the fact that many , many people suffer from TB I si mentioned earlier . And as now there are very few treatments for TB I , you tend to get the basic advice coming back .