How Creatine Can Help with Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Meaning not just for headaches caused by traumatic brain injury , but also headaches caused by sudden onset tension , headache , or migraine headache or even perhaps again , perhaps cluster type headaches . So the first substance that I'd like to highlight that has been shown to significantly reduce the intensity and or frequency of headaches is creatine . Now , creatine , as many of you know , is something that people supplement and take most often creatine is discussed in the context of muscle performance , not just for people who weightlift , but for people who do endurance exercise .

How Creatine Can Help with Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury | Dr. Andrew Huberman

What can you take or do to reduce headache . And in order to address this , we're gonna start first with the headaches associated with head hits and traumatic brain injury because it turns out there's a surprising and very useful approach to doing that .

How Creatine Can Help with Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And in order to address this , we're gonna start first with the headaches associated with head hits and traumatic brain injury because it turns out there's a surprising and very useful approach to doing that . But this same approach also can help offset and treat headache in other conditions as well . Meaning not just for headaches caused by traumatic brain injury , but also headaches caused by sudden onset tension , headache , or migraine headache or even perhaps again , perhaps cluster type headaches .

How Creatine Can Help with Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury | Dr. Andrew Huberman

In fact , if you look at the controls and you see that they're basically getting headache at a frequency of 90% or more . After TB I , the reduction in headache frequency is down to about 10 or 12% in the people taking creatine . So that's quite , quite a dramatic effect .

How Creatine Can Help with Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now , keep in mind that this is a pilot study , but the effects are very dramatic . They found a very statistically significant decrease in the frequency of headache in people that were taking creatine . In fact , if you look at the controls and you see that they're basically getting headache at a frequency of 90% or more .