The Paradox Of Choice: Are you a maximizer or a satisficer?

But that combines the very best qualities and traits of every single passed up or missed opportunity that they ever saw or evaluated . So contrast with satisfies us who honestly don't always make better decisions objectively , but they're much happier for the decisions that they do make . So they narrow their options .

The Paradox Of Choice: Are you a maximizer or a satisficer?

A satisfies is someone who is clear about what they most want or need and therefore do not need to look at every single option or choice available before they make a decision . Now maximize , make better objective decisions , but they feel worse subjectively for the decision . So they do better , but they feel worse .

The Paradox Of Choice: Are you a maximizer or a satisficer?

So they do better , but they feel worse . So they choose the better job , the better partner , they choose the better opportunity , but they don't feel happier as a result of it because they invested so much time , energy and effort in making that decision and therefore their expectations balloon , not just that they also begin to think about all of the opportunity cost all of the missed opportunities or the other options and choices they passed up in order to make the decision that they did more than that even is that they begin to create in their mind , a perfect or idealized option or choice that doesn't even exist . But that combines the very best qualities and traits of every single passed up or missed opportunity that they ever saw or evaluated .

The Paradox Of Choice: Are you a maximizer or a satisficer?

Happy Wednesday . Today , I want to talk about the paradox of choice . So my college professor and graduate school professor Barry Schwartz wrote a fantastic book called The Paradox of Choice .

The Paradox Of Choice: Are you a maximizer or a satisficer?

So contrast with satisfies us who honestly don't always make better decisions objectively , but they're much happier for the decisions that they do make . So they narrow their options . So what can we do about this ?