SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

And relationships and relationships , happy people are even rated as more attractive than unhappy people . So just knowing that knowing that happiness is not only the greatest success , but it also leads to success um is very helpful . And I think part of the reason is that just optimism itself is extraordinarily has an adaptive value .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

Lots of research , thousands of studies have found that happier people experience happier circumstances and conditions and not vice versa . So in other words , happiness is not only the greatest success . I mean , it's the reason that you want success , but it also leads to success .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

On average , they live 6 to 7 years longer than less happy people , they get married earlier , stay married longer and are happier in all relationships , whether they're married or not , they experience less jobs burn out really in all ways . Happiness improves the circumstances and conditions of your life , right ? And relationships and relationships , happy people are even rated as more attractive than unhappy people .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

Wow , that's amazing . And you talk so much about in your book and of course , I'm always following your Instagram posts and you talk a lot about how happiness is a precursor to success , which I have always found to be true . But I didn't always know why .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

And you're right , just to contextualize that a little for folks . Lots of research , thousands of studies have found that happier people experience happier circumstances and conditions and not vice versa . So in other words , happiness is not only the greatest success .