SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

Why do you , why do you think that is , oh my goodness , so many reasons . And you're right , just to contextualize that a little for folks . Lots of research , thousands of studies have found that happier people experience happier circumstances and conditions and not vice versa .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

And I would start like applying whatever tips , tricks , tools and techniques they recommended . And um you know , that's the way the book started . So it wasn't initially designed or written to be a book .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

So , so initially , I just went and accessed whatever books and videos and stuff I could find like online or whatever . That's where I started . And actually Abraham Hicks was very influential in that early part of my journey .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

So I was like , ok , well , it's at least a little easier to be alone . So I'll start from there . And what I found was the more deeply I connected to myself , the loneliness or anxiety , the insecurity all went away .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

And um you know , that's the way the book started . So it wasn't initially designed or written to be a book . It was just like my personal like happiness Journal that eventually over time became a book that's amazing .