SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

Yeah . Uh with so many , I think the first thing is , is that happiness is something that you can get through other people , places or things , right ? I think that's the biggest one of all , that's why we spent so much of our lives trying to improve circumstances , conditions , relationships and it's not that you shouldn't do those things it's just that that's the long scenic indirect path to happiness and ultimately happiness is not outside of you in the future .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

On average , they live 6 to 7 years longer than less happy people , they get married earlier , stay married longer and are happier in all relationships , whether they're married or not , they experience less jobs burn out really in all ways . Happiness improves the circumstances and conditions of your life , right ? And relationships and relationships , happy people are even rated as more attractive than unhappy people .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

And that could be a real challenge because again , we're trying to sometimes put words to something that's worthless , right ? But that's also why I talk consistently about happiness at the end of the day and the ways in which happiness , if you could prioritize happiness , the ways in which it kind of allows everything else to be added or how everything else follows when you prioritize happiness first and foremost . Hm .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

Lots of research , thousands of studies have found that happier people experience happier circumstances and conditions and not vice versa . So in other words , happiness is not only the greatest success . I mean , it's the reason that you want success , but it also leads to success .

SAWSP #1 Happiness From the Inside Out with Rob Mack

And relationships and relationships , happy people are even rated as more attractive than unhappy people . So just knowing that knowing that happiness is not only the greatest success , but it also leads to success um is very helpful . And I think part of the reason is that just optimism itself is extraordinarily has an adaptive value .