Every student athlete knows that you have to make sacrifices , which is either missing out on parties , missing out on events , special events , a birthday party or literally anything just having to work . And just honestly just proving yourself that you could make it to the top level .
And honestly , if you wanna prove the coaches or college coaches , anybody , you just have to keep working . Every student athlete knows that you have to make sacrifices , which is either missing out on parties , missing out on events , special events , a birthday party or literally anything just having to work . And just honestly just proving yourself that you could make it to the top level .
Honestly , uh missing family friends , literally everything . Uh Just because you have to travel a lot , you have to have very good time management and you just have to stay dedicated to your sport . Oh , when I was , I believe 1413 years old , I started playing for the Mexico national team and we won the pre World Cup , which was a really big thing and I also won the top goal score U seventeens .
I trained with a lot of boys just because they're really intense and super strong and I wanted to be stronger and super fast to be a student athlete . You have to have really good time management . Um , though sometimes it might not be easy .
I emailed those coaches , uh , when I was 15 up to , I believe 16 , my coaches from Galaxy Academy , some advice I would give to the next generation would definitely be stay focused , keep working hard . If you wanna be a top player , if you wanna go to ad one school , you have to just keep working and just remind yourself why you started . And honestly , if you wanna prove the coaches or college coaches , anybody , you just have to keep working .