Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

You're not overthinking when you are just that you are abiding or resting in and as true love and happiness and peace and people feel that without you doing or saying or being anything else other than that . Um So the opportunity I think for most of us is to learn to rest and relax in and as our true nature , which ultimately is peace , love and happiness . Amen .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

And when you think about it from that perspective , and when you think about it , from the perspective of being um effortless and uh enjoyable in that fashion . So in other words , when you're just abiding in and as the self , so when you're not lost in plotting and planning and scripting and reliving or reliving any moment , you're just truly present , living as presence itself . So you're not lost in discursive thought , you're not lost in the analytical mind .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

When we go to the brain , we often think we're processing . We are not , we are more than often ruminating and reliving or reliving the experience . We are feeding the very emotions we're trying to extinguish with time , energy and attention .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

But I'm gonna anyway . OK , just , just to let you know where my human , the state of my humanness right now . Um But there was one more thought that was coming through when you were talking and maybe it , maybe it's it's for the next time or an off camera thought .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

And that just makes it grow larger and loom larger . So you want to go to the body , notice what you're feeling , focus on the experience of feeling it and do so without judgment . As soon as you find yourself slipping off to the brain , come back to the body again .