Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

It's like love , love , like self and self is love and love is the self and there is no love but the self and there is no self but the love but love . Um So when you're tapped into , didn't turn on to that when you're being your true self , when you're being that love , you don't have to work so hard uh at being loving and you don't have to work so hard at being lovable or receiving love . You just automatically will say you give and receive love effortlessly , but it's not even that you're just tapped into the infinite internal love that always is within you and around you and within you , uh you know , within everything that you're doing .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

So , you know , in the within and without , of course , it gets a little confusing . But the idea is that love is all there is when you're tapped into it and turn on to your true self , I love that . I love that .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

Um So when you're tapped into , didn't turn on to that when you're being your true self , when you're being that love , you don't have to work so hard uh at being loving and you don't have to work so hard at being lovable or receiving love . You just automatically will say you give and receive love effortlessly , but it's not even that you're just tapped into the infinite internal love that always is within you and around you and within you , uh you know , within everything that you're doing . So , you know , in the within and without , of course , it gets a little confusing .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

I would say that you might be attached to this other person , you might have ideas about this other person . But I would say that if you find yourself consistently jealous or frustrated or overwhelmed in those moments , uh you're not resting and um relaxing in and as your true nature , which is love , um you're actually um under the sort of false impression and you're suffering out a flawed premise or belief that your happiness and your peace and your love is not within yourself , it's within somebody or something else outside of you that you therefore need to control or change or fix or get rid of or attract , right ? And so , um you know , unhappy love is not love , right ?

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

It's that which is aware of the mind and the body , the personality , the job , the possessions . And so um that true self is love itself . It's pure undiluted liquid love itself .