Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

It's got to be authentic and it doesn't matter how sort of primitive or elementary or introductory , it seems just start there and beat that drum over and over and over again and really try to juice and milk that thing . Person place activity for as much joy and love and peace so you can get out of it . And if you can keep that up long enough and stay off of the deserts , you'll quickly find that it grows and then you look at things that you thought were unlovable and something they feel so lovable too .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

It doesn't require you to avoid negative thoughts . It's the kind of peace , love and happiness . The only kind of peace , love and happiness that it truly exists that is unconditional , immovable , unshakeable , no matter what you think , what you're experiencing with or through your body , no matter what sensation or perception is going on , no matter what the condition of circumstances are like , no matter how much money you do or don't have no matter your health or your , you know , lack of health .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

Absolutely . And you're also right , which is joy , peace and happiness and love is clean energy and stress and anxiety and misery and unhappiness is dirty energy . I'm sure you can get some things accomplished through the dirty energy , but it's so much happier healthier and I think ultimately wealthier to live your life with clean energy .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

But if you're aware , all the , all the while that the true reality is God or spirit or your true spiritual divine self , you don't get lost in the ups and downs as much . And as a result of that , you experience a much more tranquil serene and much more enjoyable experience of life . Yeah , that's beautiful .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

You're not overthinking when you are just that you are abiding or resting in and as true love and happiness and peace and people feel that without you doing or saying or being anything else other than that . Um So the opportunity I think for most of us is to learn to rest and relax in and as our true nature , which ultimately is peace , love and happiness . Amen .