Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

We assume that we're all talking about the same things when we talk about self love , for instance . But often when we're talking about self love , we're talking about , um you know , love of personality , that's great . I love that , love of body .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

Is that what I love about it ? Is I , I feel like a lot of people in the world are teaching self love , right ? Or they're teaching other love .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

It's pure undiluted liquid love itself . And so self love is actually for me , to me a redundant term . It's like love , love , like self and self is love and love is the self and there is no love but the self and there is no self but the love but love .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

Um We don't often define our terms . We assume that we're all talking about the same things when we talk about self love , for instance . But often when we're talking about self love , we're talking about , um you know , love of personality , that's great .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

And so self love is actually for me , to me a redundant term . It's like love , love , like self and self is love and love is the self and there is no love but the self and there is no self but the love but love . Um So when you're tapped into , didn't turn on to that when you're being your true self , when you're being that love , you don't have to work so hard uh at being loving and you don't have to work so hard at being lovable or receiving love .