Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

You're not overthinking when you are just that you are abiding or resting in and as true love and happiness and peace and people feel that without you doing or saying or being anything else other than that . Um So the opportunity I think for most of us is to learn to rest and relax in and as our true nature , which ultimately is peace , love and happiness . Amen .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

So you're not lost in discursive thought , you're not lost in the analytical mind . You're not overthinking when you are just that you are abiding or resting in and as true love and happiness and peace and people feel that without you doing or saying or being anything else other than that . Um So the opportunity I think for most of us is to learn to rest and relax in and as our true nature , which ultimately is peace , love and happiness .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

I would say that you might be attached to this other person , you might have ideas about this other person . But I would say that if you find yourself consistently jealous or frustrated or overwhelmed in those moments , uh you're not resting and um relaxing in and as your true nature , which is love , um you're actually um under the sort of false impression and you're suffering out a flawed premise or belief that your happiness and your peace and your love is not within yourself , it's within somebody or something else outside of you that you therefore need to control or change or fix or get rid of or attract , right ? And so , um you know , unhappy love is not love , right ?

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

So from a bad dream to a dream and then as you continue along that process and journey , you eventually wake up entirely and there's no dreaming and reality is sweeter than any dreams you can possibly have about it . So , um certainly if you're experiencing that kind of positive good thoughts that you are and hopefully I am uh please know that's worth enjoying , continue and keep that up and uh you don't have to have any thoughts at all to feel true , peace , love and happiness , right ? No , I love that .

Facebook Live on Happiness with Rob Mack

It's the kind of peace , love and happiness . The only kind of peace , love and happiness that it truly exists that is unconditional , immovable , unshakeable , no matter what you think , what you're experiencing with or through your body , no matter what sensation or perception is going on , no matter what the condition of circumstances are like , no matter how much money you do or don't have no matter your health or your , you know , lack of health . Ok .