How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And that is going to vary tremendously depending on whether or not you ingest that caffeine with or without food as I mentioned earlier . But there is a kind of general range in which we can talk about caffeine as being useful for focus and concentration . And the range is basically from 100 mg to 400 mg .

How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I know many people are curious as to whether or not caffeine can improve focus and concentration . And indeed , it can , there is an immense amount of data supporting the idea that caffeine provided it's consumed in the appropriate dosages can improve mental performance and physical performance .

How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Uh in fact , or at least anxious . So be cautious with your use and adopting of caffeine if you're not already caffeine adapted , but most people do quite well to ingest 100 to 200 mg of caffeine prior to doing some focused work . And again , I recommend delaying your caffeine intake to 90 to 100 and 20 minutes after waking unless you are using that caffeine to really jolt your system .

How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , then they are very amped up , they're , they are very , very alert . Caffeine increases alertness by increasing epinephrine adrenaline release both in the brain and within the body . And so that's another way that it facilitates focus and concentration .

How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And indeed , it can , there is an immense amount of data supporting the idea that caffeine provided it's consumed in the appropriate dosages can improve mental performance and physical performance . And it largely does that through improvements in focus and concentration . The dosage of caffeine of course is going to depend on how caffeine adapted you are , how much caffeine tolerance you have .