How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And caffeine also operates on the epinephrine , the adrenaline system . In fact , if we ingest too much caffeine , we'll sometimes get the jitters . Those jitters are really the sympathetic as it's called nervous systems bias toward movement .

How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And the range is basically from 100 mg to 400 mg . I wanna caution everybody out there if you're somebody who suffers from anxiety or panic attacks and you're not used to ingesting caffeine and you run out and ingest 400 mg of caffeine in the form of espresso or Yorba mate or an energy drink or in pill form that is going to be very uncomfortable for you . You're going to be sweating , profusely , your heart rate is going to increase , you're going to be quite panicked .

How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And this has been shown in humans several times . So by ingesting caffeine pretty regularly , you're actually increasing the ability of dopamine to have this effect of increasing motivation and drive . I tend to ingest caffeine only early in the day .

How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , then they are very amped up , they're , they are very , very alert . Caffeine increases alertness by increasing epinephrine adrenaline release both in the brain and within the body . And so that's another way that it facilitates focus and concentration .

How to Use Caffeine & Coffee to Improve Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Uh in fact , or at least anxious . So be cautious with your use and adopting of caffeine if you're not already caffeine adapted , but most people do quite well to ingest 100 to 200 mg of caffeine prior to doing some focused work . And again , I recommend delaying your caffeine intake to 90 to 100 and 20 minutes after waking unless you are using that caffeine to really jolt your system .