Regular Guy Friday ep 129. Empathy Without Boundaries

Uh , Natasha . But as someone who's , you know , a little bit older and , and certainly not from this country , what is your take on the instant friendships ? Is it Kelsey that makes the instant friends , or is it the generations that do , or am I way off in this ?

Regular Guy Friday ep 129. Empathy Without Boundaries

But then I think when you go down more south , you don't have that , which is nice . But then you also have instant friendships which so I will tell you about Boston people and you've heard me say this and again , I just try to call it the way it is . So how do you get out the house ?

Regular Guy Friday ep 129. Empathy Without Boundaries

He's our friend , Pete . I want to become friends with . Everyone .

Regular Guy Friday ep 129. Empathy Without Boundaries

I think it's Kelsey's personality . I don't think , I think there's some people who make friends easily and some people who want to be friends with other people . Like that's I think what the situation is .

Regular Guy Friday ep 129. Empathy Without Boundaries

Everyone . Wants to be friends with Pete the sweetest . She's like , oh , this is your favorite ?