How To Breathe... #shorts #breathingexercises #meditation #mindfulness

Keep part of your awareness always inside . And if you can't let the stories and the thoughts go on their own use , breathing , use these micro meditations and especially use deep breathing from the stomach as a way to control your thinking . Have a great day .

How To Breathe... #shorts #breathingexercises #meditation #mindfulness

And if you notice small Children , small babies and even small animals , they often breathe from the stomach , that's a much more relaxed , much more peaceful , happy loving experience of yourself , of your breath and of your life . And so my encouragement today is as you go about your day and as you're practicing those micro meditations where you're simply taking one breath with the pure and only intention of enjoying that breath , while you let all the thoughts go , see if you can focus on breathing more and more from the stomach , from that deeper place . So that as you inhale your stomach should expand and as you exhale , your stomach should contract or flatten back out .

How To Breathe... #shorts #breathingexercises #meditation #mindfulness

So most of us breathe from the chest . It's a very shallow kind of breathing . It leads to a very stressful , very unhappy , very unloving , very un peaceful way of going about your life .

How To Breathe... #shorts #breathingexercises #meditation #mindfulness

Quick happiness tip on diaphragmatic breathing . So most of us breathe from the chest .

How To Breathe... #shorts #breathingexercises #meditation #mindfulness

It leads to a very stressful , very unhappy , very unloving , very un peaceful way of going about your life . And if you notice small Children , small babies and even small animals , they often breathe from the stomach , that's a much more relaxed , much more peaceful , happy loving experience of yourself , of your breath and of your life . And so my encouragement today is as you go about your day and as you're practicing those micro meditations where you're simply taking one breath with the pure and only intention of enjoying that breath , while you let all the thoughts go , see if you can focus on breathing more and more from the stomach , from that deeper place .