Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

If you have interest in that , you don't need to do it that way . At the very least , begin applying some of the principles and topics and techniques that we discussed today , like start just simply doing happier things and carve out more time for happier things . Make happiness the most important thing in your life , man , nothing else matters .

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

Focus on the past will keep you stuck in the past , right ? Focusing on problems will make you an expert in problems , right ? Never in solutions .

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

You want to sympathize and empathize more than that really have compassion with the person , but not with their pain . If you spend a lot of time , right ? That there's a big difference there .

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

You guys are probably big readers . You listen to a lot of videos , you're clearly lifelong learners and students . You only really need one principle of practice that you consistently apply and it will take you all the way home , all the way home , any one principle , you don't need 1000 principles .

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

Field experience of life . Science has found or class research has found that if you can practice thinking , ok ? And connecting with people and living your life in ways that are increasingly positive that if you can keep it up for 66 days , you literally begin to rewire your brain for an experience that is more loving , that is more positive .