Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

Um and I got into this work the hard way I think I've learned most things the hard way my entire life . I got into the space of positive psychology , which is the science really of well-being . It's the science of what makes life worth living .

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

And now on one hand , I'm scared about thinking something negative because I don't want to attract a negative experience , right ? And that's not just love attraction stuff that's partly also positive psychology stuff , right ? We know that how you feel is attractive , right ?

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

And so today , I'm gonna start 1st 1st by just sort of introducing me and sort of why this is a topic of interest to me personally and professionally . Um As you may know , I'm a positive psychology expert , I'm an author and I'm an executive coach . Um and I got into this work the hard way I think I've learned most things the hard way my entire life .

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

It's the science of what makes life worth living . I uh found positive psychology , which is a master's program at the University of Pennsylvania after a very long life of being deeply , truly miserable , unhappy , and deeply lonely . Um I grew up in an incredible family .

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

But it was the science that really helped me trust and have faith that there were answers that existed out there in the world and that people were applying them and using them , right ? So the first thing I wanna say to you is this , is that what we found through this Ivy League science of positive psychology is that if you're looking for a key to finding love , right . Let's just talk about in traditional ways .