Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

And so today I wanna talk a little bit about that , but more importantly , I want to talk to you guys about what matters most to you and I think it's love , right ? I think we're all looking for love . We're looking for love everywhere and within everybody and we're looking for love .

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

I think we're all looking for love . We're looking for love everywhere and within everybody and we're looking for love . Probably most of us in lots of the wrong places and lots of the wrong people .

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

But it was the science that really helped me trust and have faith that there were answers that existed out there in the world and that people were applying them and using them , right ? So the first thing I wanna say to you is this , is that what we found through this Ivy League science of positive psychology is that if you're looking for a key to finding love , right . Let's just talk about in traditional ways .

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

So I'm Robert Mack . I'm gonna talk a little bit today about love and about loneliness and dating relationships as well . But relationships of all kind , um of course , relationships that we have with others , but also the relationship that we have with ourselves , right ?

Life, Love, and Loneliness with Rob Mack

If you want peace more than you want anything else in the world , you will find peace . And if you want love more than anything else , you will have love , right ? There's no question about that .