GDL Jason Wahler

It's , uh , it's something that is , is , is very terrifying . And again , as you look at the average age of first time use for kids , it's 11 years old , 11.5 years old . I mean , it's just like you look at that , you look at the , the suicide rates .

GDL Jason Wahler

It's made me more proactive of wanting to even do more , even just a simple statistic around this . I mean , it's like if you don't drink or use , uh by the age of 21 you have a 90% chance of never struggling with an addiction issue . And I mean , this , it's just this basic information starting the conversation , normalizing the conversation .

GDL Jason Wahler

Um There are so many schools that are like , don't do drugs , ok ? Don't do drugs . But if somebody does do drugs , how do we help them ?

GDL Jason Wahler

Yeah . I mean , as someone who , like you said , the statistics , like I never drank or ever did drugs and , and I don't have that struggle but now um being emerged into this world and having to question like , like where is this judgment coming from ? I need to come from a space of like , how do we get here and how can we move forward and how can I help and , and be part of the solution ?

GDL Jason Wahler

And , uh , you know , she did something , uh , what nobody thought would be able to be done in the world of race to race . MS where she is now , uh , 26 27 years later has come out with , uh 24 FDA approved medications and has really pioneered that whole disease and people that weren't able to walk and were bedridden , uh are , you know , are moving and shaking today . I love that .