Yeah . So cure addiction . Now is we're basically looking for a cure for addiction .
But there's also a lot of people with support , you know , I mean , I think every single person is directly affected by this some way or another , whether they've gone through it themselves and , or whether a family member or friend , a loved one . So , uh , it's at that place where , I mean , now we this , this last year , you know , I mean , COVID did not help , help the situation with , with addiction isolation is , is one is definitely not a benefit to us is for all humans . The number one form of happiness , uh longest living study at Harvard's around here connection .
Uh is there a social media that they can go to ? Uh if you guys want to check out cure addiction now on social media , that would be the place to go or curi now dot org . Thank you so much , Jason .
Um And now you have a new mission . Um tell us about cure addiction now dot org . Yeah .
So cure addiction . Now is we're basically looking for a cure for addiction . Uh Addiction has been around for for a long time now , right ?