Uh Addiction has been around for for a long time now , right ? It is the actually the leading cause of death in America for 50 year old individuals and younger . Uh It is a primary chronic and progressive disease and there has not been enough research done around specifically the brain and looking at neuroplasticity and actually seeing and looking for a cure .
I call it a massacre . You know , I mean , it's how many people it's killing . It's , it's an amazing medication that can prevent somebody from overdosing .
Um , and that's again , is , you're not including , you know , stress of the liver , car accidents , you know , methamphetamine , you're not including all the other benzodiazepines , everything else that goes with it . So it's a killer man . It's really taken , taken over and , and , uh , it's about time something is , is done .
And unfortunately , we're in this rubber band phase where we're , you know , we're still back , we haven't even seen what's really yet to come and it's , it's really , it's scary . Um , but yeah , 100 and 1,212,000 overdoses this last year , uh , you know , somebody's dying every 90 seconds from an opiate overdose . Um , and that's again , is , you're not including , you know , stress of the liver , car accidents , you know , methamphetamine , you're not including all the other benzodiazepines , everything else that goes with it .
So , uh , it's at that place where , I mean , now we this , this last year , you know , I mean , COVID did not help , help the situation with , with addiction isolation is , is one is definitely not a benefit to us is for all humans . The number one form of happiness , uh longest living study at Harvard's around here connection . And so you actually remove all that .