How to Prepare for Anything and Crush Your Next Big Opportunity | Jimmy Pitaro

What are your thoughts on this ? And does your advice differ whether you're graduating college or graduate school or have been in the workforce for a few years or are mid career ? Wanna try something new and as part of this , where do passion money and learning fit into the equation ?

How to Prepare for Anything and Crush Your Next Big Opportunity | Jimmy Pitaro

That's the easy part . And so my advice to , to anyone who asks would be just be good at the stuff that you control and you control how much prep you put in to an interview . And you know , if you , if you over prepare , what's the worst that's gonna come out of that ?

How to Prepare for Anything and Crush Your Next Big Opportunity | Jimmy Pitaro

The meeting's pretty much over because it just means that they didn't even read my website . But what's your advice to people who really will think ? Why should I spend 10 hours or 20 preparing for a job interview when I may not even get the job that there's 100 other people who are competing for that same job or if you want to work at Goldman Sachs , there's 1000 other people who want that job , but that's why it's fiercely competitive and you just , you have to outwork the next person .

How to Prepare for Anything and Crush Your Next Big Opportunity | Jimmy Pitaro

How important is it to be at the right place at the right time and get a big break ? And what's your advice on how to get one ? Is there luck involved in this or do we create our own luck ?

How to Prepare for Anything and Crush Your Next Big Opportunity | Jimmy Pitaro

I can't remember how many lawyers I was managing or business affairs people I was managing . But I went from that to managing hundreds and hundreds of people , engineers , marketing sales , business development and , and , and , and so it was baptism by fire for me , my advice is first off , just be clear . Uh So then when opportunities present themselves , uh you are top of mind .