NIL Rules

I like to do adventurous stuff even if I don't have the ideas for it . So that's why I was asking like , what it is when you're making the content like that you're looking for , but you just said its authenticity and that's just , yeah , that's the easiest free flowing form I think comes to practice too . Like once you start , you like , it'll be hard to like be in front of the camera .

NIL Rules

So I have a question about like when you're creating content , do you like know what it is or it's just like whatever you think you just put out there , most of my content is pretty like free flowing . I think being authentic and vulnerable is like the biggest thing that helps people connect to like athletes and stuff . Are you gonna bank content for like while you're in season ?

NIL Rules

But um I'm lucky that now when it hit , I had a plan , have you been capturing your journey with the lawsuit and whatnot ? Because I feel like that's great content and this is like a groundbreaking time . Yeah , I've been like talking about it kind of talking my journey because before when I first started , I was kinda , I had no following at all .

NIL Rules

And just for athlete rights honestly , because at the end of the day , the school is gonna be about the school and their money and their boosters and how much money they're making while we're helping bring money to the table . So I have a question about like when you're creating content , do you like know what it is or it's just like whatever you think you just put out there , most of my content is pretty like free flowing . I think being authentic and vulnerable is like the biggest thing that helps people connect to like athletes and stuff .

NIL Rules

What about you ? Like , do you wanna like dive into like content creation because it's like hard and like comes a lot of time management . Yeah , that's why I was trying to get as much information from you as I could because I'm very introverted like in public , I'll say , unless you really know me , you won't really get the full me .