NIL Rules

How do you guys feel about name ? Image likeness right now ? I feel like it's literally the wild , wild west right now .

NIL Rules

Yeah , for real redo the contract . Make sure like , like put our name in the credits . Like , so we're , I think that's also um , something that athletes should really also take into consideration is , is equity .

NIL Rules

And now I've had this again , this massive platform and I'm able to use it for things that I care about and I'm able to partner with brands that wanna do the right thing . Being able to like have this now platform where people see me as not only like , you know , a basketball player , you know , whatever a human , but also kind of an activist is , is pretty cool . So it's interesting .

NIL Rules

If you keep increasing your nil rights . So like your , your brand and stuff , it's gonna bring more like attention to your team .

NIL Rules

There's a beautiful balance if you can find it between like basketball , working as hard as you can , school work and then like in your free time , do nil stuff , everything that we do in this next year will literally be history . So if like athletes are getting taken advantage of or if they're doing things correctly , like it's , you should have a place to go and like talk about it , which would be really cool and just for athlete rights . Yeah .