Positive Psychology: Harnessing the Power of Happiness with Rob Mack

And it doesn't you just nailed it , it , and that's the biggest thing is that , you know , success doesn't lead to happiness . Happiness is the greatest success and happiness leads to traditional forms of success , right ? So you're absolutely right about that .

Positive Psychology: Harnessing the Power of Happiness with Rob Mack

It's a state of no mind . Ultimately , that the happiness that we seek in things people place as activities and objects is something that we inherently and intrinsically and innately are . But we never stop thinking long enough to recognize it and realize it .

Positive Psychology: Harnessing the Power of Happiness with Rob Mack

So it's really four main things , happy activities , right ? So that means creating a list of happiness is things that you love , feel inspired by that help you to feel alive with very little time energy , effort , make a list , right ? And do everything you can to spend more time doing those things .

Positive Psychology: Harnessing the Power of Happiness with Rob Mack

So the real master key and the ultimate cheat code is being able to see through the sort of tricks that the mind plays all the time , not intentionally and get to a place where you can simply enjoy just being even in the midst of a conversation , even when you're just swiffer where you're not always lost in discursive thinking , obsessive compulsive thoughts , not always living in the past , not always living in the future or projecting the future , you know , where you're really just tapped into and , and turned on to not only the present moment but presence itself your own awareness , right ? And in that awareness is perfect happiness , it is perfect happiness . So the ultimate cheat code is that I try to save that for the end because people always think that's impossible .

Positive Psychology: Harnessing the Power of Happiness with Rob Mack

So , so , so I would say that to that extent . Yes , actually , right , the first requirement of being happy is being alive . Um And so now that being said there are both sort of happiness producing support , support of kind of biases , heuristics built into the brain .