Impact the World - Robert Mack

So he was like , we've got to do a better job of studying what's right with people and study strengths and character virtues . And let's put a little bit more focus on , you know , subjective well being and happiness and let's talk about success and relationships and some of the things that , you know , are often overlooked , at least from a more positive perspective . Um And by positive , we mean , not just that , you know , it makes you feel good , but also that it's good for society or it's good for organizations .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

The only reason we want to achieve or accomplish or acquire anything is because we hope to feel better as a result of it . So it's the greatest success , but also it leads to success , which essentially means that happy people experience better lives . Right .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

So I'd say really challenging and questioning what you believe about life in general . In addition to happiness , success and love is just a critical part of this happiness thing . Such good advice too about .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

Um And by positive , we mean , not just that , you know , it makes you feel good , but also that it's good for society or it's good for organizations . And so it can add to the health um of an organization or a team or a couple or an individual . Um So , yeah , it was an incredible program .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

On average , over the course of their entire lifetime , they experience better relationships , they get married earlier , they stayed married longer and they're happier in all the relationships , whether they're married or not because it's not about being married , it's about being in love or about being happy . Also , you find that happy people experience less job burnout , right ? They perform better , um while they're alive , they experience better health , right ?