Impact the World - Robert Mack

That's exactly right . So , um the other thing is that happy people tend to be kinder and more charitable and they donate more money and more blood , but also by doing those things , you become happier . So I think what surprised me most was not only what happiness or what causes happiness , but also what happiness causes what it leads to the consequences of being happy .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

And um yeah , and then when I told her about the book , she said , oh , I'd love to , I write the Ford and I thought my God , that's big , you know , so it wasn't , you know , the , the joke I have with myself about my life is that none of it has been scripted . It's like , you know , um all the best things have happened to me out of divine grace , out of thin air . And it's mostly happened when my heart has been in the right place and I've surrendered .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

And I said , oh , that makes sense because , you know , I tend to think that we , we author things that are either our passion or our learning and you definitely embodied somebody who had worked on that . Oh , my goodness . I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you saying that .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

Like , oh , it's just this little journal thing and like , what's in it ? Like happiness kind of best practice , I guess . And I said , you ever think about like sharing that with other people ?

Impact the World - Robert Mack

So I'd say really challenging and questioning what you believe about life in general . In addition to happiness , success and love is just a critical part of this happiness thing . Such good advice too about .