Impact the World - Robert Mack

Yes . But also you come to realize , at least for me I did that happiness is also not a state of mind . It's a state of no mind , it's a state of being right ?

Impact the World - Robert Mack

Help me understand the difference for you , right ? But one of the things I discovered to your point is that OK , happiness is not what you think literally . So anything you think that happiness is it isn't OK ?

Impact the World - Robert Mack

Like , so you're a happiness coach doesn't mean you're going to be happy all the time equally . I think we have a very weird fixed idea of happiness like happiness . People tend to think euphoria , hedonism , excitement , you know .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

It's not just who you spend time with all of those things matter for sure . Choose the happy people and happy stuff and happy things and then you get to a place where it's like maybe happiness isn't what I do . Maybe it's maybe it's what I think you're starting to get there , right ?

Impact the World - Robert Mack

Absolutely . I mean , and you actually just sort of outlined the experience I've had , I think the journey that most of us have with happiness is like in the beginning , you think happiness is mostly either what you have or what you do . And there's a , there's value in that .