Impact the World - Robert Mack

So , um the other thing is that happy people tend to be kinder and more charitable and they donate more money and more blood , but also by doing those things , you become happier . So I think what surprised me most was not only what happiness or what causes happiness , but also what happiness causes what it leads to the consequences of being happy . So that was pretty profound to me that like you can prioritize happiness and find a lazier , smarter way to success in every area of your life , right ?

Impact the World - Robert Mack

It's not just who you spend time with all of those things matter for sure . Choose the happy people and happy stuff and happy things and then you get to a place where it's like maybe happiness isn't what I do . Maybe it's maybe it's what I think you're starting to get there , right ?

Impact the World - Robert Mack

On average , over the course of their entire lifetime , they experience better relationships , they get married earlier , they stayed married longer and they're happier in all the relationships , whether they're married or not because it's not about being married , it's about being in love or about being happy . Also , you find that happy people experience less job burnout , right ? They perform better , um while they're alive , they experience better health , right ?

Impact the World - Robert Mack

The only reason we want to achieve or accomplish or acquire anything is because we hope to feel better as a result of it . So it's the greatest success , but also it leads to success , which essentially means that happy people experience better lives . Right .

Impact the World - Robert Mack

That's exactly right . So , um the other thing is that happy people tend to be kinder and more charitable and they donate more money and more blood , but also by doing those things , you become happier . So I think what surprised me most was not only what happiness or what causes happiness , but also what happiness causes what it leads to the consequences of being happy .