Robert Kennedy, Jr. on His Uncle JFK and the Military Industrial Complex

And um and then a week , a month later , he was killed . So , um but what his view was is that he believed that the view of Americans abroad should not be , you know , a soldier with a gun . It should be a peace corps volunteer building , you know , wells and it should be USA ID helping poor people and it should be alliance for progress , building middle class .

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on His Uncle JFK and the Military Industrial Complex

And they are , you know , they , all these countries that were supposedly allied with us are now realigning with the Chinese and they're switching to their currency because the Chinese are not there to kill people , they're there , you know , to , to build roads , to build universities , to build colleges . And it turns out that people like that a lot more and , you know , we should be projecting economic power around the globe and not military power . It will make us much stronger .

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on His Uncle JFK and the Military Industrial Complex

So he , he was surrounded by military industrial complex . And um and he learned very early on in an intelligence apparatus that he realized early on that the purpose of the CIA and the intelligence apparatus was to create a constant pipeline of new wars for the , for the military industrial complex the day three days before he took the oath of office , Eisenhower , who is the outgoing president gave what is probably the most important speech in American history , which was , you know , where he warned against the military industrial conflict . I was at my uncle's inauguration .

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on His Uncle JFK and the Military Industrial Complex

And he said , well , we , we can't , the US government can't be doing that . We can't be attacking , we , we , I don't like what Castro is doing down there , but it's not the United States job to dictate what kind of governments other countries have . And they said , uh well , as soon as they land , there's gonna be a big revolution , everybody's gonna rise up and they're gonna overthrow Castro .

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on His Uncle JFK and the Military Industrial Complex

And he said , I'm on a total casualty list from Vietnam . And his aide came to him and said 75 Americans have died . He said that's too many .