And you can find both these two books and then the nine I'm gonna release hopefully soon we'll see um on Amazon Barnes and Noble and pretty much anywhere and everywhere else . Great books are sold . Wonderful .
So , so , so much for being with me here today to kick off the happy hour with Teresa Greco on , on hopeful radio . You were the perfect , the perfect guest and everything that you shared . It was just so powerful and so enlightening and when I say enlightening , it's because the light that you are is just just emanating through every word that you said and , and just every inch of your being for those that are watching this , you know , over youtube .
And if we just stay there long enough , it was like that moment when I first , I meditated for the very first time . And I went in saying I have a stack of books on my nightstand . I want to hear from God , how come these people can see , how come these people can hear ?
But you don't have to . That's why Theresa and I and everybody else out in the world writes books and shares things . So you don't have to take the long indirect scenic route to it .
I'm going to help you to be more present and grateful for your life and to show up every day as the best version of yourself so that you can live the extraordinary life you were meant to live . Let me tell you a little bit about me , your host . I'm a certified happiness life coach , a three time bestselling author and the editor and senior writer of a Canadian magazine from Toronto Ontario , Canada .