Each week . I was able to realize that true happiness resides inside yourself and not in your possessions , positions , titles , degrees , relationships and experiences . There was no more .
That's because those examples are talking about pleasure and not happiness or joy , true inner happiness is unwavering and is always there for you to tap into even when your external circumstances may not necessarily be the way you want them to be . You can always tap into the happiness within yourself so that you can be truly happy . I invite you to check out my services on my website at Teresa Greco dot C A .
You go on that vacation , you get that designer purse , but you'll , you'll realize that once that feeling of pleasure wears off , you're left feeling unhappy and looking for that next thing to make you happy again . That's because those examples are talking about pleasure and not happiness or joy , true inner happiness is unwavering and is always there for you to tap into even when your external circumstances may not necessarily be the way you want them to be . You can always tap into the happiness within yourself so that you can be truly happy .
That we actually like the opportunity to fluctuate between like happiness and joy and peace and love and anger , frustration , and sadness and all the other things that life brings . So it's not only about always feeling happy , but it is about returning to that part of ourselves that is infinitely eternally unwaveringly happy and then abundantly happy . I love that .
And so there are two nuggets that I want to pull out from what you just said . So happiness is als also us allowing our joy to guide us towards our happiest life and that I see happiness as a compass that if we our mind of how we feel in a , in any moment that and we trust that feeling and we allow our mind to be a slave to the heart . So what I heard you say was I knew that I loved the warmer weather .