Robert Mack studied ways to kill himself, then...

I promise the essence of that . The most important part of that is the cake . And if you do that often enough meaning filling into your own alive presence , not what you are , but that you are , it doesn't matter what you are just that you are just recognizing I'm alive , filling into the aliveness in your own body , just that you can call it God coming into the presence of God for its own sake , no matter what you're doing , going for a walk , having lunch goes off to sleep , listening to someone else , speaking to someone else , just allow for more and more touch points with the presence of God or the presence of spirit , the presence of happiness and love that exists within you for its own sake .

Robert Mack studied ways to kill himself, then...

And that's why in the Bible says something like and I will always be with you kind of thing , you know what , no matter where you go kind of thing . So the idea is that first and foremost , um to , and we want to feel grateful for the channels it's nice , but you don't want to become so attached to the channels that you forget . It's the source that deserves your true appreciation and gratitude .

Robert Mack studied ways to kill himself, then...

So , you know , maybe what , what nugget could you leave them for today ? Just to , to either sum it up or something for them to think about or the most important part of our discussion today . That and I , I feel like I've heard you articulate it in , you know , many of the different ways that I'm gonna ask you , you know , how can people connect with you after the show , which you definitely need to check out Roberts uh social media because he talks about this uh incredibly on all of those and just so eloquently and just for me , just so bang on and , and correct and true .

Robert Mack studied ways to kill himself, then...

But the world leads us away from who we are and causes us to feel fear , worry , doubt , frustration , anger , and all the negative feelings that we feel day to day . So it is so important that we become familiar with the very simple principles and practices that can remove the blocks that are preventing us from feeling the love , peace and happiness that is always there at our core . So I hope you'll join me here on Hopeful radio as we talk about the ways that we can nurture and connect with all aspects of ourselves to keep us grounded , centered at peace and happy .

Robert Mack studied ways to kill himself, then...

It's like acknowledging yourself the self God in all its ways , right ? And so yes , and like you said , over time , you discover as you put more and more of the focus and attention on the source itself , you can turn it off on at will , right ? There's another piece here too , which is that for lots of us , you know , like all those things in the world , the new car , the new partner , the kids , or the family , or maybe the divorce , whatever it is you're looking forward to and hoping will be an opportunity for happiness in the future is often an obstacle to being happiness happy now .